Buzz Creators, the award-winning Westchester, NY-based boutique PR and marketing firm is hiring! We have two open positions: “Account Executive” and “PR & Social Media Account Coordinator” — job descriptions are below.
– Account Executive
– PR & Social Media Account Coordinator
Join the hive! 🙂
Buzz Creators, Inc. is a Westchester, NY-based boutique public relations and marketing firm servicing the metro NY area and beyond. At Buzz Creators, we believe that every business has its own unique and special story. Our goal is to help clients tell theirs. Buzz Creators assists its clients with developing strategic PR campaigns; media relations; social media; writing and editing; grand openings and special events; thought leadership; advertising; graphics design/branding and more. The Buzz Creators team has helped develop strategic communications programs for many well-respected national and global organizations, such as HEINEKEN USA, Barnes & Noble, Drybar, MasterCard Worldwide, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, American Heart Association and many more. The Buzz Creators team also leverages their PR, social media and marketing expertise to help many regional small businesses and nonprofits increase their visibility. For more information, please visit: www.buzz-creators.com.