Go Red For Women is a national movement that was created by women, for women, and is dedicated to uncovering the truth about women and heart disease – an often silent, hidden and misunderstood killer – so that all women can share the truth. This powerful platform gives women a fighting chance against heart disease. Currently, some eight million women in the U.S. are living with heart disease, yet only one in six American women believe that heart disease is her greatest health threat.
With over 250 in attendance, spanning top representation from the social, medical, corporate and pharmaceutical communities in the region, the Go Red For Women Luncheon raised more than $200,000 for research and education aimed at fighting heart disease and stroke in women.
For additional information about The American Heart Association’s Go Red Event, please read the company’s recent press release online here: .
- Heart disease survivors Christine Wayne and Kim Salveggi shared their stories at the Go Red For Women Luncheon on June 2nd at the Hilton Westchester.
- Guests enjoying the VIP party with Keynote Speaker and ABC News Reporter, Mara Schiavocampo at the Go Red For Women Luncheon on June 2nd at the Hilton Westchester.
- Nearly 300 guests attended the Go Red For Women Luncheon on June 2nd at the Hilton Westchester. Go Red For Women’s goal is to raise awareness and funds to fight women’s #1 killer—heart disease.
- Christine Wayne, Kim Salveggi and Cheryl Slaughter shared their personal stories about heart disease in their own lives and their families’ at the Go Red For Women Luncheon on June 2nd at the Hilton Westchester.
- Ellen Komar/Stamford Health, Judy Campisi/American Heart Association, Christine Wayne/heart disease survivor, and Kathy Silard/Stamford Health attended the Westchester-Fairfield Go Red For Women Luncheon on June 2nd at the Hilton Westchester. Stamford Health was the local sponsor of the Go Red event.